Throughout my years as an actress I’ve had the pleasure of working with a number of teachers and mentors who have really inspired me. They are like minded people who love and believe in the arts and they have encouraged me to dig deep and be the best actor that I can be. Paul Kampf is one of those people. He is the founder of Performing Arts Institute (P.A.I) and his whole purpose is to empower actors to take greater control of their careers. To that end Paul created Film Lab, the production arm of PAI. Through crowd funding on Indiegogo, our goal is to raise funds to produce not one but two features. Actors are creating opportunities, not waiting for them, which is such a fulfilling process. I’m inspired to stretch as an actor and play a homeless woman in one of the films and I’m inspired by the challenge of raising funds. Have you ever tried to raise funds for an endeavor? Holy challenges and obstacles! But I thrive on challenges like this..let’s face it, I’m black, I’m a woman and I’m an actress…I’d better like challenges:) And I do. I love forging ahead and doing everything I can to achieve a goal. To me challenges like this make life exciting. Here’s a link to the campaign…Film Lab…I hope you’ll check it out and be inspired!